Homeless Hub’s Monthly Tweet Chat #HHChat

What is a tweet chat?

A tweet chat is a scheduled conversation on Twitter that is linked by a specific hashtag. A hashtag is a combination of words/numbers that follow the ‘#’ symbol and are used to link information together. It allows for conversations to be easily tracked. We will be using #HHChat. Anyone can participate by simply tweeting and adding the designated hashtag. You typically have a moderator who guides the discussion and keeps the conversation on topic. The moderator for our tweet chats will be our @homelesshub account. It might seem overwhelming at first, but it’s a great way to network, exchange ideas and discuss a shared interest.

Tips for participants:

  • Log in to the conversation either through Twitter or applications like TweetChat, twubs.com, tchat.io, Hootsuite or TweetDeck.
  • Make sure to include the #HHChat hashtag in all of your tweets so others in the conversation are not missing your messages. Some of the above applications can do that automatically for you.
  • Introduce yourself as you join in, to let others know that you are participating.
  • Watch for what the moderator is tweeting, they will assign any questions that come in with a number (such as Q1 or Q2).
  • If there are invited guests that are part of the tweet chat they will most often reply (with A1 or A2) to the questions. If not, you are free to chime in with your answers.
  • It’s okay to have side conversations, but try to keep on topic.
  • You might want to let your followers know that you will be participating in a tweet chat in advance. That way they will know that you will be particularly chatty at a specific time.
  • Don’t worry if you can’t keep up with all the tweets, we will archive these and post them after the session.

Chat archives:

January 14th, 2014 – #HHChat on Extreme Weather and Homelessness | PDF

December 2nd, 2014 – #HHChat on Pathways into Youth Homelessness | PDF

November 18th, 2014 – #HHChat on the State of Homelessness | PDF

October 22nd, 2014 – #HHChat on Rural Youth Homelessness | PDF

September 9th, 2014 – #HHChat on Design of Cities and Homelessness | PDF

August 12th, 2014 – #HHChat on LGBTQ2S Youth Homelessness | PDF

July 8th, 2014 – #HHChat on Rural Homelessness | PDF

October 8th, 2013 – #SOHC2013 Tweet Chat | PDF