The Homelessness Resource Center’s Annual Report 2010 summarizes project activities for the period September 2009 to September 2010. The report highlights the HRC’s on-site and on-line training and technical assistance activities, the growth of the HRC website, development of knowledge-based products, and HRC Expert Panels, workgroups, and listening tours. In 2009-2010, the HRC training team visited 16 cities and trained 1,517 homeless service providers at 17 training events. An additional 5,779 people were trained via HRC webcasts. The HRC website continued to be a recognized resource in the field: between September 2008 and August 2010, website visits increased 41%, for an average of 12,000-15,000 monthly visits. In addition, in 2009-2010, two HRC projects focused on understanding the needs of two vulnerable sub-groups at high risk for homelessness: LGBTQ12-S youth and refugee families. In the coming year, HRC will continue to expand the reach of training, technical assistance, knowledge, and resources
About the Homelessness Resource Center
The Homelessness Resource Center fosters the development of an interactive learning community of providers, consumers, policymakers, researchers, and government agencies at federal, state, and community levels—with the goal of bringing together state-of-the-art knowledge and promising practices to prevent and end homelessness among people with mental health and substance use disorders, and trauma histories.
The Homelessness Resource Center seeks to improve the daily lives of people affected by homelessness and who have mental health and substance use problems and trauma histories.
How We Achieve Our Mission
- Increasing awareness, knowledge of resources, and capacity to help people experiencing homelessness
- Integrating and transforming homeless service systems
- Supporting the implementation of the 10-year plans to end homelessness
- Supporting integration PATH and SSH within HRC
- Facilitating communication and collaboration among providers, researchers, policy makers, and consumers
What Is The Homelessness Resource Center?
In all of its work, HRC strives to be a:
- Continuous learning community
- Center of excellence
- Clearinghouse for state-of-the-art information and resources
- Capacity builder
Our Work
- Training and technical assistance
- Publications
- On-line learning opportunities
- Networking
Our Work Is Guided By A Commitment To:
- Fostering a trauma-informed recovery system
- Integrating consumers in all aspects of our activities
- Ensuring cultural and linguistic competence
- Improving access to mainstream services for people experiencing homelessness
- Supporting the PATH and SSH programs
- Coordinating our activities with other federal efforts