Research Summary

Lack of Reliable Homelessness Statistics on Aboriginal Peoples in Canada – Homeless Hub Research Summary Series

Policy decisions are largely based on a body of evidence that can be drawn on. In the case of policies on Aboriginal Peoples experiencing homelessness, there is a lack of research on the dynamics of homelessness, including credible attempts to capture an adequate count.

A large number of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada live in urban settings. There are populations that also move between the city and reserves, however it is unclear the amount that do this.

Given the history of colonialism and oppressive policies, Aboriginal Peoples facing homelessness are frequently overlooked. Racist stereotypes recreate the idea that Aboriginal Canadians are ‘nomadic’ or undeserving of services.

Homelessness, Urban Aboriginal People, and the Need for a National Enumeration was published in Aboriginal Policy Studies, 2(2), 4-33 in 2013.