An extensive review of the academic, published literature and unpublished community and governmental reports was undertaken on the topic of northern, rural and remote (NRR) homelessness. To our knowledge this document contains the most extensive documentation of academic literature on this topic to date. Part I provides a synopsis of the themes found in the literature. Part II contains a complete annotated bibliography of all of the relevant documents that were located in the course of this review. One of the main goals for the project is to provide documentation of research and research gaps for NRR community groups who are seeking to address local issues of homelessness. Therefore the synopsis of themes in Part I is intended to be accessible to as broad a population as possible. It is hoped that the information in this document will be useful to NRR communities and organizations in their work to (1) support their requests for funding to address homelessness, (2) educate funders, politicians and community members on these issues, and (3) develop effective strategies to combat homelessness in their communities. In an effort to make the information in this document easy for communities to use in addressing homelessness, the first section is written as a point form summary of the main findings. Connections are made back to the specific documents that address each point and readers are encouraged to review the annotations (in Part II) for the documents that interest them. This literature review is intended to be a first step in documenting NRR research and as such there are plans for the document to be updated regularly. As well, an academic article is being prepared for publication from this literature review.