Q&A Audio Conference: SAMHSA Releases Two Grant Opportunities to Fund Services in Supportive Housing

Audio Conference: Tuesday, March 24, 2009: 1:00pm – 2:30pm ET

**The National Alliance to End Homelessness is hosting this audio conference. If you are having trouble joining, please contact NAEH at 1-202-638.1526.**

On Tuesday, March 24 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm ET, the National Alliance to End Homelessness (the Alliance) and the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) will co-host a free web-based conference call on the recent SAMHSA request for applications (RFA).  SAMHSA staff will make a brief presentation and be available to answer questions.

This call is designed to provide information to organizations that are considering applying for SAMHSA funding under either the Services in Supportive Housing program or the Treatment for Homeless program.  SAMHSA has recently released requests for applications for both of these programs and this call will help clarify SAMHSA’s application procedures.

To register and receive details on how to join the audio conference, please click here. Please note that you must have Windows Media Player to participate.  After the audio conference, a podcast will be available online.

About SAMHSA Funding

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is accepting applications for fiscal year 2009 grants for the Services in Supportive Housing program. The purpose of this program is to help prevent or reduce chronic homelessness by funding services in coordination with existing permanent supportive housing programs and resources for individuals and families experiencing chronic homelessness. Applications for due April 17, 2009. Click here for more information.

SAMHSA is also accepting applications for fiscal year 2009 grants for the Development of Comprehensive Drug/Alcohol and Mental Health Treatment Systems for Persons Who are Homeless program. The purpose of this program is to expand and strengthen treatment services for persons who are homeless (including those who are chronically homeless) and who also have substance use disorders, mental disorders, or co-occurring substance use and mental disorders. Applications are due April 30, 2009. Click here for more information.