Homeless Count

Regina Homelessness Count 2021

This report contains analysis and findings for the Point-in-Time Count of Regina Homelessness that occurred on September 22, 2021. A Point-in-Time (PiT) Count is a strategy to help determine the extent of homelessness in a community on a given night, or at a single point in time, in which individuals and families experiencing homelessness are enumerated and given the opportunity to participate in an anonymous survey.

This report presents findings from the enumeration and survey, and includes additional research and findings that provide context for the pandemic’s impact on homelessness, as well as economic factors, social dynamics, and case studies of the mechanics of Regina’s homeless-serving sector operations contributing to the current state of homelessness in the community.

This report does not aim to serve any type of political bias, and information is presented to highlight all factors contributing to the state of homelessness in Regina.