
The State of Systems Approaches to Preventing and Ending Homelessness in Canada

A Preliminary Report & Framework for Systems Transformation

This Preliminary Report captures insights from a literature scan and conversations that have emerged out of the SPC’s Community of Practice meetings and Key Informant interviews with CoP members and partner organizations working to prevent and end homelessness. We present a range of topics, tensions, opportunities and questions that communities and the Systems Planning Collective will continue to unpack together and translate into action-oriented tools and resources.

The aim of the report is to elevate ideas that spark interest, discussion and inspiration among: 

  1. People who are leading, working within or who have an interest in their local approaches to preventing and ending homelessness
  2. Funders, policymakers and elected officials across all orders of government trying to make sense of how to best support community-based efforts
  3. Advocates, academics and community organizers who may be able to mobilize research and action in the areas outlined in this report

The contents of this report are presented at a high level with the goal of exploring the topics and questions in greater depth with the SPC’s Community or Practice and across our members’ and partners’ efforts. At the end of the report we outline next steps and opportunities.