
Symposium on International Transitions from Child Protection

On October 12 & 13, 2023, the International Transitions from Child Protection Symposium was held in Richmond, BC. This two-day Symposium united individuals connected to the child welfare and youth homelessness sectors, including decision-makers, researchers, policymakers, service providers, and first-voice advocates speaking with lived experience of the child welfare system, homelessness, or both.

The Symposium intended to facilitate cross-sectoral dialogue, providing an opportunity to identify promising practices and opportunities for action, ensuring successful transitions to adulthood, preventing youth homelessness, and fostering positive life outcomes for youth in and from care.

Download the summary document for a high-level reflection on the Symposium’s purpose and key takeaways.


Equitable Standards Panel

Research Panel 

Practice Panel

Policy Panel

Further Reading

The Symposium was co-hosted by A Way Home Canada and the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness and sponsored by the Home Depot Canada Foundation and Porticus. This project was also funded [in part] by the Government of Canada.