
Thompson, Manitoba 2018 PiT Count Report

This project was funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS). The City of Thompson is the Community Entity (CE) designated by the HPS to report annually on the amount received. The 2014-2019 Community Plan of the Thompson Community Advisory Board (CAB) included the completion of Point in Time (PiT) Homeless Counts in 2015 and 2016 (Thompson Community Advisory Board for Homelessness, 2014).
In 2016 the HPS supported coordinated community homeless counts in communities across Canada using the PiT Count methodology. These counts provide vital information to participating communities about their homeless population, and contribute to the understanding of homelessness in Canada. The HPS decided to provide the same support for a 2018 count. Between March and April 2018, over 60 communities across Canada, including Thompson, participated in Everyone Counts – the 2nd HPS Coordinated Point-in-Time Count. The findings from these communities will provide an unprecedented dataset on homelessness in Canada.

The Thompson 2018 PiT count was administered through the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Thompson. Faculty members of the University of Manitoba Northern Social Work Program (NSWP) took the lead on designing the count, data analysis and the writing of the report. Twenty-six students of the NSWP, as well as the homeless, partners of this initiative, staff from CMHA and other agencies and community members took the enumeration training and volunteered on the day of the count