Fact Sheet

What is World Homeless Day?

World Homeless Day started on October 10th, 2010 and has been recognized annually on 10/10.

World Homeless Day

The website says it is recognized in over 100 countries through a variety of activities. “The purpose of World Homeless Day is to draw attention to homeless people’s needs locally and provide opportunities for the community to get involved in responding to homelessness, while taking advantage of the stage an ‘international day’ provides.”

While it’s a good concept, we advocate acting on and thinking about homelessness every day of the year (or as much as possible).

1. Volunteer. The World Homeless Day slogan focuses on thinking globally and acting locally; that’s a great idea. Try your community’s volunteer matching programs or http://www.getinvolved.ca/volunteers/ to find an organization that needs assistance. You may also be able to access information by calling 211 or 311 if your community supports those services.

2. Donate. Community organizations aren’t always able to take specific donated items – i.e. used clothing – because of lack of storage or hygiene issues. Call a local shelter or drop-in centre and find out what they could use. Maybe it’s a product – new socks, blankets, coffee gift cards, toiletries, food – or maybe it’s a financial donation. Leverage your donation by getting others from your work, school, family or faith community to contribute as well.

3. Learn and Share. Learn more about homelessness and its solutions by reading current research. The Homeless Hub provides lots of easily understood research resources. Check our topics section as a starting point. You can also read our State of Homelessness in Canada: 2013 report, our e-book on youth homelessness, or our newly released book Housing First in Canada: Supporting Communities to End Homelessness which addresses housing as a solution.

4. Advocate. Contact your politicians – at the municipal, provincial/territorial or federal level. Ask them to support solutions to homelessness including a national housing strategy.

AUTHOR: Gulliver, Tanya (2014) Homeless Hub.