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Prevention Matters!
The Transformative Power of Housing First for Youth
The Prevention Matters! series, hosted by the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, brings brilliant minds together to explore evidence-based strategies designed to prevent homelessness before it starts. During the ninth episode...
Preventing Homelessness Among Post-Secondary Students
Precarity among college and university students is so widespread that it is often talked about as a rite of passage. But post-secondary homelessness and housing insecurity come with a real...
Prevention of Youth Homelessness Conference
Turning Momentum into Action: Reflections on the First International Conference on the Prevention of Youth Homelessness
Last month, we gathered in Toronto for a transformative conference focused on preventing youth homelessness, and we must say, it was truly inspiring. From the beginning, there was an undeniable...
From Reactive Responses to Prevention-Focused Interventions: How Municipalities Can Tackle Youth Homelessness
The homelessness crisis in Ontario has reached alarming levels, and the latest report by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) paints a stark picture. Over the past decade, we’ve...
Transforming Lives Through the Family and Natural Supports (FNS) Program
In recent years, the Family and Natural Supports (FNS) program has emerged as a promising practice for preventing youth homelessness, providing a lifeline for youth and their families. Our Without...
Duty to Assist: Paving a Path to Youth Homelessness Prevention in Winnipeg
Youth homelessness in Winnipeg is a significant issue, with the 2022 Winnipeg Street Census reporting that 22% of individuals experiencing homelessness are unaccompanied youth aged 24 and younger, and 66%...
Eviction Prevention Pays Off: How BC Rent Bank Saves Homes and Government Dollars
Introduction BC Rent Bank, a project of Vancity Community Foundation funded by the Government of British Columbia (BC), partners with local community partners to provide no-interest loans for rent arrears,...
Better Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questions Get Better Results
Collecting data on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) is increasingly common in the homeless sector: during program intakes, on employment equity surveys, and as part of point-in-time (PiT) homeless...
Designing Responsive Drop-In Programs for Street-Based Sex Workers
This blog is written in recognition of the International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Sex Workers, observed annually on December 17th. This day is a reminder of the unique violence,...
Prevention Matters!
Building Homes Together: Homelessness Prevention With Indigenous Women
October is Women’s History Month in Canada, and to mark it this year, the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness organized an online discussion about the Alternative Builds program. Alternative Builds is...