
Finding Home: Policy Options for Addressing Homelessness in Canada

Finding Home aims to fill a gap in the information available on homelessness by providing an easily accessible collection of the best Canadian research and policy analysis on homelessness. The e-book will be permanently available on the Homeless Hub. 

The e-book includes summaries of recently completed research reports as well as the best and most policy-relevant published articles from scholarly journals. The chapters have been edited to keep them at a length of 3,000 to 9,000 words and to ensure that they are accessible to a non-specialist audience. Each chapter is available in 2 formats: as a separate downloadable PDF or in the device-independent ePub format.

The e-book is organized into themes that represent specific groups of homeless people and issues that intersect with homelessness, along with a section on research issues. The book is designed to grow over time as new chapters are added. 

Download Finding Home (ePUB)

This e-book project is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

Published by: Cities Centre Press, University of Toronto, 2009
ISBN 978-0-7727-1475-6 © Cities Centre, University of Toronto, 2009

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Click to download Adobe Digital Editions in order to read the chapters on an iPhone, eBook reader and other handheld devices.