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Prototyping and Evaluating a Housing First for Youth Aftercare Support Model
The Housing First for Youth (HF4Y) program model – a youth-focused adaption of the successful Housing First intervention – is a promising example of how to prevent and support sustainable...
Become an Early Adopter: For A New Toolkit to Implement Recovery-Guidelines
Transform your services with our toolkit and promote mental health recovery in your organization! The Walk the Talk toolkit will launch in Fall 2021 and is designed to help your...
The Host Homes Early Intervention Model for Youth At-Risk of Homelessness
What is the Host Homes model? The Host Homes model is a type of early intervention, housing-led support that is often viewed as an alternative to emergency shelters. Host Homes...
Preventing Youth Homelessness in Canada During the Pandemic and Beyond
On March 30, 2021, A Way Home Canada, the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness and our co-led Making the Shift Youth Homelessness Social Innovation Lab hosted a National Roundtable on Youth...
The Downstream Health Effect of Upstream Barriers for People Experiencing Homelessness
Homelessness is a multifaceted problem that requires a combination of housing, health care and community-based solutions. In this post, we provide a summary of the key insights from our recently...
How Has Canada’s History of Anti-Black Racism Impacted Today’s Experiences of Homelessness?
Black History Month is important to acknowledge. It allows us the time to reflect on the progress we have made and the long way we have left to go in...
Keeping Youth Off the Streets: Lessons Learned from Good Shepherd Centre’s Youth Reconnect Program
Long before Youth Reconnect (YR) became a program in Hamilton, young people were slipping through the cracks. Jessica Ward, Manager of Community-Based Programs at Good Shepherd, says that since the program was implemented...
Practicing What You Preach: Program Fidelity in Housing First for Youth
When you hear the term “Housing First”, a lot can come to mind. At its core, it’s about providing housing without pre-conditions and linking people up with individualized, community-based supports...
I am the Pebble
I am excited about the release of the Youth Reconnect Program Guide by the Making the Shift Youth Homelessness Demonstration Lab. As we are all in the midst of this pandemic; it...
Working From an Anticipatory Mindset: How We’ve Adapted Youth Reconnect During COVID19
Family. School. Community. These are the words we find ourselves saying over and over as we have developed and implemented the Good Shepherd Youth Reconnect (YR) Program here in Hamilton....