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Mental Health and Homelessness in Canada
As part of the Canadian Mental Health Association 65th Mental Health Week running from May 2nd-8th, this blog covers some of the latest findings about the connection between mental health...
Infographic: Reporting Your Point-in-Time Count Numbers
Over the last three months, communities across the country have been planning and implementing Point-in-Time (PiT) Counts, as part of a pan-Canadian effort to enumerate homelessness in Canada. A PiT...
How can we measure hidden homelessness?
This question came from Kristina B. via our latest website survey: “To what extent is it possible to measure “hidden homelessness” (for example, when the person cannot afford their own...
Working Together to Prevent and End Homelessness
Media Folder:Â Media Root Next week, the Homeless Hub and the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness releases a new book, Exploring Effective Systems Responses to Homelessness. The book reflects the collective...
What kind of housing is preferred by older adults and seniors?
This question came from Tammy M. via our latest website survey: How many homeless or at risk older adults are there in Canada? In Ontario? What are the most preferred...
Infographic: Race Matters in the Child Welfare System
This week’s infographic comes to us from the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) and focuses on changing the child welfare system for African Canadians (a term used to...
How can we develop policies to address both rural and urban homelessness?
This question came from Ryan W. via our latest website survey: How can we develop policy solutions which bridge the urban/rural differences in homelessness in some way? Homelessness is often...
How can we minimize double counting?
This week’s question comes from Olusola O., who asked: What can be done to minimize double counting among street homeless people? Knowing approximately how many people are homeless in a...
What are the pathways to homelessness in old age?
Ryan W. asked this question via our latest website survey. While seniors aren’t a majority in the homeless population, “there are many whose social marginality, lack of financial resources, or...
What considerations should we give to people involved in the criminal justice system?
In response to our latest website survey, Christopher .M. asked: “What special considerations must be given to those who are homeless and who have had contact with the criminal justice...